Computational Argumentation-based Clinical Decision Support |
Martin Chapman, Panagiotis Balatsoukas, Mark Ashworth, Vasa Curcin, Nadin Kökciyan, Kai Essers, Isabel Sassoon, Sanjay Modgil, Simon Parsons, Elizabeth I. Sklar |
Tangible robotic fleet control |
David St-Onge, Vivek Shankar Varadharajan and Giovanni Beltrame. |
Traffic3D: A New Traffic Simulation Paradigm |
Deepeka Garg, Maria Chli and George Vogiatzis. |
For The Record - A Public Goods Game For Exploring Human-Robot Collaboration |
Filipa Correia, Samuel Mascarenhas, Samuel Gomes, Silvia Tulli, Fernando P. Santos, Francisco C. Santos, Rui Prada, Francisco S. Melo and Ana Paiva |
PAPOW: Papow Aggregates Preferences and Orderings to select Winners |
Martin Jedwabny, Pierre Bisquert and Madalina Croitoru. |
Multi-Agent Path Finding on Real Robots |
Roman Barták, Ivan Krasičenko and Jiří Švancara |
Deploying a Shareholder Rights Management System onto a Distributed Ledger |
Luke Riley, Grammateia Kotsialou, Amrita Dhillon, Toktam Mahmoodi, Peter McBurney and Richard Pearce |
ConCon: A Contract Conflict Identifier |
João Paulo Aires, Roger Granada and Felipe Meneguzzi. |
Learning an Effective Control Policy for a Robotic Drumstick via Self-Supervision |
Mason Bretan, Siddharth Sanan and Larry Heck. |
Peer-to-peer Negotiation for Optimising Journeys of ElectricVehicles on a Tour of Europe |
Seyed Ali Hosseini, Diarmid Campbell, Marco Favorito and Jonathan Ward. |
RE-ORG: An Online Repositioning Guidance Agent |
Muralidhar Konda, Pradeep Varakantham, Aayush Saxena and Meghna Lowalekar. |