Accepted Extended Abstracts
List of accepted Extended Abstracts

Paper ID | Authors | Title |
885 | Chaya Levinger, Noam Hazon, Amos Azaria | Fair Sharing: The Shapley Value for Ride-Sharing and Routing Games |
895 | Haris Aziz, Edward Lee | The Temporary Exchange Problem |
898 | Kaisheng Wu, Yong Qiao, Kaidong Chen, Fei Rong, Liangda Fang, Liping Xiong, Zhao-Rong Lai, Qian Dong | Automatic Synthesis of Generalized Winning Strategy of Impartial Combinatorial Games |
899 | Gang Chen | A New Framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning – Centralized Training and Exploration with Decentralized Execution via Policy Distillation |
906 | Sourav Medya, Tiyani Ma, Arlei Silva, Ambuj Singh | A Game Theoretic Approach For Core Resilience |
918 | Murat Sensoy, Maryam Saleki, Simon Julier, Reyhan Aydogan, John Reid | Not all Mistakes are Equal |
927 | Cristobal Pais | Vulcano: Operational Fire Suppression Management Using Deep Reinforcement Learning |
939 | Tianpei Yang, Jianye Hao, Zhaopeng Meng, Zongzhang Zhang, Weixun Wang, Yujing Hu, Yingfeng Chen, Changjie Fan, Zhaodong Wang, Jiajie Peng | Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Transfer |
940 | Yang Chen, He Zhao, Jiamou Liu, Hongyi Su | Social Structure Emergence: A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Framework for Relationship Building |
947 | Nanda Kishore Sreenivas, Shrisha Rao | Analyzing the Effects of Memory Biases and Mood Disorders on Social Performance |
954 | Zeyuan Cui, Shijun Liu, Li Pan, Qiang He | Translating Embedding with Local Connection for Knowledge Graph Completion |
957 | Shivika Narang, Yadati Narahari | A Study of Incentive Compatibility and Stability Issues in Fractional Matchings |
966 | Hitoshi Shimizu, Tatsushi Matsubayashi, Akinori Fujino, Hiroshi Sawada | Theme Park Simulation based on Questionnaires for Maximizing Visitor Surplus |
967 | Yuyu Xu, David Jeong, Pedro Sequeira, Jonathan Gratch, Javed Aslam, Stacy Marsella | A Supervised Topic Model Approach to Learning Effective Styles within Human-Agent Negotiation |
988 | Shuangfeng Zhang, Yuan Liu, Xingren Chen, Xin Zhou | A POMDP-based Method for Analyzing Blockchain System Security Against Long Delay Attack |
1015 | Joseph Singleton, Richard Booth | An Axiomatic Approach to Truth Discovery |
1026 | Geoff Nitschke | Coordinated Control of Autonomous Vehicle Traffic on Roads of the Future |
1031 | Alessandro Farinelli, Antonello Contini, Davide Zorzi | Decentralized task assignment for multi-item pickup and delivery in logistic scenarios |
1032 | Jaelle Scheuerman, Jason L. Harman, Nicholas Mattei, K. Brent Venable | Heuristic Strategies in Uncertain Approval Voting Environments |
1035 | Pankaj Kumar | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Market Making |
1041 | Shubham Pateria, Budhitama Subagdja, Ah Hwee Tan | Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Integrated Count-based Discovery of Salient Subgoals |
1042 | Sarit Kraus, Abhijin Adiga, Sekharipuram Ravi | Boolean Games: Inferring Agents’ Goals Using Taxation Queries |
1044 | Jan Karwowski, Jacek Mańdziuk, Adam Żychowski | Anchoring Theory in Sequential Stackelberg Games |
1047 | Zhaoqing Peng, Junqi Jin, Lan Luo, Yaodong Yang, Rui Luo, Jun Wang, Weinan Zhang, Miao Xu, Chuan Yu, Tiejian Luo, Han Li, Jian Xu, Kun Gai | Sequential Advertising Agent with Interpretable User Hidden Intents |
1048 | Chao Yu, Yinzhao Dong, Paul Weng, Ahmed Maustafa, Hui Cheng, Hongwei Ge | Structure-Motivated Interactive LEarning (SMILE): Towards Efficient and Interpretable Deep Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Control |
1061 | Weiwei Chen | Aggregation of Support-Relations of Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks |
1067 | Marin Lujak, Alberto Fernandez, Eva Onaindia | A Decentralized Multi-Agent Coordination Method for Dynamic and Constrained Production Planning |
1073 | Anirban Santara, Rishabh Madan, Balaraman Ravindran, Pabitra Mitra | ExTra: Transfer-guided Exploration |
1075 | Rafael H. Bordini, Rem Collier, Jomi F. Hübner, Alessandro Ricci | Encapsulating Reactive Behaviour in Goal-based Plans for Programming BDI Agents |
1076 | Raphael Koster, Joel Leibo, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Gillian Hadfield | Learning compliance and enforcement behaviors: silly rules and the microfoundations of normativity |
1078 | Gabor Erdelyi, Yongjie Yang | Microbribery in Group Identification |
1083 | Jiaoyang Li, Andrew Tinka, Scott Kiesel, Joseph W. Durham, T. K. Satish Kumar, Sven Koenig | Large-Scale Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding in Warehouses |
1086 | Ganesh Ghalme, Swapnil Dhamal, Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar, Yadati Narahari | Ballooning Multi-Armed Bandits |
1089 | Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Zhaohong Sun | Mechanism Design for School Choice with Soft Diversity Constraints |
1090 | Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Zhaohong Sun, Makoto Yokoo | Multiple Levels of Importance in Matching with Distributional Constraints |
1098 | Hiroaki Yamada, Naoyuki Kamiyama | Optimal Control of Pedestrian Flows by Congestion Forecasts Satisfying User Equilibrium Conditions |
1103 | Harel Yedidsion, Shani Alkoby, Peter Stone | Sequential Online Chore Division for Autonomous Vehicle Convoy Formation |
1111 | Chao Yu, Tianpei Yang, Wenxuan Zhu, Yinzhao Dong, Guangliang Li | Adaptively Shaping Interactive Reinforcement Learning through Online Human Demonstrations |
1113 | Xiaobai Ma, Jayesh Gupta, Mykel Kochenderfer | Normalizing Flow Policies for Multiagent Systems |
1120 | Shufan Wang, Jian Li | Online Algorithms for Multi-shop Ski Rental with Machine Learned Predictions |
1121 | Marina Knittel, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi | Matching Affinity Clustering: Improved Hierarchical Clustering at Scale with Guarantees |
1130 | Yusuke Nakata, Sachiyo Arai | Mini-batch Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Multiple Dynamics |
1151 | Timothy Verstraeten, Eugenio Bargiacchi, Pieter Libin, Diederik Roijers, Ann Nowé | Thompson Sampling for Factored Multi-Agent Bandits |
1160 | Hangtian Jia, Chunxu Ren, Yujing Hu, Yingfeng Chen, Tangjie Lv, Changjie Fan, Hongyao Tang, Jianye Hao | Mastering Basketball with Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Integrated Curriculum Training Approach |
1167 | Enrico Marchesini, Alessandro Farinelli | Genetic Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation |
1174 | Yi Zhang, Yu Qian, Yichen Yao, Haoyuan Hu, Yinghui Xu | Learning to cooperate: Application of deep reinforcement learning for online AGV path finding |
1184 | Cornelio Cristina, Andrea Loreggia, Michele Donini, Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi | Voting with Random Classifiers (VORACE) |
1188 | Hans L. Bodlaender, Tesshu Hanaka, Lars Jaffke, Hirotaka Ono, Yota Otachi, Tom C. van der Zanden | Hedonic Seat Arrangement Problems |
1190 | Dengji Zhao, Yiqing Huang, Liat Cohen, Tal Grinshpoun | Coalitional Games with Stochastic Characteristic Functions Defined by Private Types |
1217 | Omer Shiran Svarzbard, Ron Lavi | Competition Among Contests: a Safety Level Analysis |
1220 | Anagha Kulkarni, Siddharth Srivastava, Subbarao Kambhampati | Signaling Friends and Head-Faking Enemies Simultaneously: Balancing Goal Obfuscation and Goal Legibility |
1222 | Jhelum Chakravorty, Nadeem Ward, Julien Roy, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert, Sumana Basu, Andrei Lupu, Doina Precup | Option-Critic in Cooperative Multi-agent Systems |
1237 | Yijie Zhang, Roxana Radulescu, Patrick Mannion, Diederik Roijers, Ann Nowé | Opponent Modelling for Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Objective Normal Form Games |
1244 | Zhi Zhang, Jiachen Yang, Hongyuan Zha | Integrating independent and centralized multi-agent reinforcement learning for traffic signal network optimization |
1249 | Rose Wang, Sarah Wu, James Evans, Joshua Tenenbaum, David C. Parkes, Max Kleiman-Weiner | Too many cooks: Coordinating multi-agent collaboration through inverse planning |
1251 | Prasanth Murali, Ha Trinh, Lazlo Ring, Reza Asadi, Timothy Bickmore | A Friendly Face in the Crowd: Calming Agents in the Audience to Help Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety |
1254 | Van Nguyen, Vasileiou Stylianos, Tran Cao Son, William Yeoh | Conditional Updates of Answer Set Programming and Its Application in Explainable Planning |
1255 | Alvaro Velasquez, Daniel Melcer | Verification-Guided Tree Search |
1274 | Michael Amir, Alfred Bruckstein | Fast Dispersion of a Swarm of Crash-prone Robots |
1283 | Eoin O’Neill, David Lillis, Gregory O’Hare, Rem Collier | Explicit Modelling of Resources for Multi-Agent MicroServices using the CArtAgO framework |
1285 | Ruben Rodriguez Torrado, Ahmed Kalifa, Michael Green, Niels Justesen, Sebastian Risi, Julian Togelius | Bootstrapping Conditional GANs for Video Game Level Generation |
1289 | Shuwa Miura, Shlomo Zilberstein | Maximizing Plan Legibility in Stochastic Environments |
1296 | Dhaval Adjodah, Dan Calacci, Abhimanyu Dubey, Anirudh Goyal, P m Krafft, Esteban Moro, Alex Pentland | Leveraging Communication Topologies Between Learning Agents in Deep Reinforcement Learning |
1306 | Joseph Suarez, Phillip Isola, Igor Mordatch, Yilun Du | Neural MMO: A Massively Multiagent Game Environment for Training and Evaluating Neural Networks |
1315 | Ferdinando Fioretto, Lesia Mitridati, Pascal Van Hentenryck | Privacy-Preserving Optimization of Integrated Gas and Energy Markets |
1323 | Mona Alshehri, Napoleon Reyes, Andre Barczak | Evolving Meta-Level Reasoning with Reinforcement Learning and A* for Coordinated Multi-Agent Path-planning |
1337 | Atena MTabakhi, Yuanming Xiao, William Yeoh | Embedding Preference Elicitation Within the Search for DCOP Solutions |
1339 | Jose Cadena, Achla Marathe, Anil Vullikanti | Finding Spatial Clusters Susceptible to Epidemic Outbreaks due to Undervaccination |
1340 | Prasanth Murali, Ameneh Shamekhi, Dhaval Parmar, Timothy Bickmore | Argumentation is More Important than Appearance for Designing Culturally Tailored Virtual Agents |
1345 | Rohit Murali, Suravi Patnaik, Stephen Cranefield | Mining international norms from the GDELT database |
1356 | Nate Gruver, Jiaming Song, Mykel Kochenderfer, Stefano Ermon | Multi-agent Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Latent Variables |
1376 | Amit Sarker, Abdullahil Baki Arif, Moumita Choudhury, Md. Mosaddek Khan | C-CoCoA: A Continuous Cooperative Constraint Approximation Algorithm to Solve Functional DCOPs |
1397 | Erinc Merdivan, Sten Hanke, Matthieu Geist | Modified Actor-Critics |
1405 | Zoi Terzopoulou, Alexander Karpov, and Svetlana Obraztsova | Restricted Domains of Dichotomous Preferences with Possibly Incomplete Information |
1437 | Kumar Abhishek, Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar | Designing Truthful Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits based Sponsored Search Auctions |
1448 | Adam Żychowski, Jacek Mańdziuk | A Generic Metaheuristic Approach to Sequential Security Games |
1450 | Shoeb Siddiqui, Sujit Gujar, Ganesh Vanahalli | BitcoinF: Achieving Fairness For Bitcoin In Transaction Fee Only Model |
1455 | Nutchanon Yongsatianchot, Stacy Marsella | A Computational Model Of Human Hurricane Evacuation Decision |
1461 | Xiang Liu, Weiwei Wu, Minming Li, Wanyuan Wang | Two-sided Auctions with Budgets: Fairness, Incentives and Efficiency |
1467 | Wolfram Barfuss | Reinforcement learning dynamics in the infinite memory limit |
1470 | Shubham Gupta, Rishi Hazra, Ambedkar Dukkipati | Networked Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Emergent Communication |
1471 | Shubham Gupta, Ambedkar Dukkipati | Winning an Election: On Emergent Strategic Communication in Multi-Agent Networks |
1473 | Thomas Spooner, Rahul Savani | Robust Market Making via Adversarial Reinforcement Learning |
1496 | Guy Zaks, Gilad Katz | CoMet: A Meta Learning-Based Approach for Cross-Dataset Labeling Using Co-Training |
1497 | Michele Flammini, Bojana Kodric, Giovanna Varricchio, Martin Olsen | Distance Hedonic Games |
1503 | Wishnu Prasetya, Mehdi Dastani | Alice: Agents for Testing Games |
1506 | Jinmingwu Jiang, Kaigui Wu | Cooperative Pathfinding based on memory-efficient Multi-agent RRT* |
1510 | Vaibhav Bajaj, Sachit Rao | Autonomous shape formation and morphing in a dynamic environment by a swarm of robots |
1513 | Giovanni Ciatto, Davide Calvaresi, Michael Schumacher, Andrea Omicini | An Abstract Framework for Agent-Based Explanations in AI |
1518 | Zhiwei Zeng, Chunyan Miao, Cyril Leung, Zhiqi Shen, Jing Jih Chin | Explainable and Contextual Preferences based Decision Making with Assumption-based Argumentation for Diagnostics and Prognostics of Alzheimer’s Disease |
1520 | Theodor Cimpeanu, The Anh Han | Fear of Punishment Promotes the Emergence of Cooperation and Enhanced Social Welfare in Social Dilemmas |
1530 | Sai Ganesh Nagarajan, David Balduzzi, Georgios Piliouras | Robust Self-organization in Games: Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Dimensionality Reduction |
1544 | Dorothea Baumeister, Tobias Hogrebe | Complexity of Election Evaluation and Probabilistic Robustness |
1572 | Arthur Casals, Assia Belbachir, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni | Adaptive and collaborative agent-based traffic regulation Using Behavior Trees |
1580 | Vahid Yazdanpanah, Mehdi Dastani, Shaheen Fatima, Nicholas R. Jennings, Devrim M. Yazan, W. Henk M. Zijm | TasCore: Dynamic Task Coordination Using Multiagent Strategic Reasoning |
1584 | Leandro Soriano Marcolino, Elnaz Shafipour Yourdshahi, Matheus Aparecido do Carmo Alves, Plamen Angelov | Decentralised Task Allocation in the Fog: An On-line Genetic Estimator for Ad-hoc Teamwork |
1585 | Stefan Olafsson, Teresa O’Leary, Timothy Bickmore | Laughter is the best therapy: Promoting behavior change using humorous conversational agents |
1591 | Nagat Drawel, Jamal Bentahar, Hongyang Qu | Computationally Grounded Quantitative Trust with Time |
1615 | Olga Petrova, Karel Durkota, Galina Alperovich, Karel Horak, Michal Najman, Branislav Bosansky, Viliam Lisy | Discovering Imperfectly Observable Adversarial Actions using Anomaly Detection |
1618 | Mahak Goindani, Jennifer Neville | Cluster-Based Social Reinforcement Learning |
1629 | Sandhya Saisubramanian, Ece Kamar, Shlomo Zilberstein | Mitigating the Negative Side Effects of Reasoning with Imperfect Models: A Multi-Objective Approach |
1640 | Niclas Boehmer, Edith Elkind | Stable Roommate Problem With Diversity Preferences |
1664 | Guillermo Romero Moreno, Markus Brede, Long Tran-Thanh | Continuous Influence Maximisation for the Voter Dynamics: Is Targeting High-Degree Nodes a Good Strategy? |
1669 | Yuzhong Huang, Andres Abeliuk, Fred Morstatter, Pavel Atanasov, Aram Galstyan | Deep Aggregation of Hybrid Crowd Forecasts |
1670 | Matteo D’Auria, Eric Scott, Rajdeep Singh Lather, Javier Hilty, Sean Luke | Distributed, Automated Calibration of Agent-based Model Parameters and Agent Behaviors |
1677 | Carlos Azevedo, Bruno Lacerda, Nick Hawes, Pedro U. Lima | Long-run multi-robot planning with uncertain task durations |
1683 | Itay Shtechman, RIca Gonen, Erel Segal-Halevi | Fair Cake-Cutting Algorithms with Real Land-Value Data |
1698 | Meghan Chandarana, Michael Lewis, Katia Sycara, Sebastian Scherer | Human-in-the-loop Planning and Monitoring of Swarm Search and Service Missions |
1701 | Eliahu Khalastchi, Meir Kalech | Efficient Hybrid Fault Detection for Autonomous Robots |
1711 | Francesco Riccio, Roberto Capobianco, Daniele Nardi | GUESs: Generative modeling of Unknown Environments and Spatial Abstraction for Robots |
1713 | Dorothea Baumeister, Linus Boes, Tessa Seeger | Irresolute Approval-based Budgeting |
1716 | Joel Schlosser, Aaron Keech, Phillip Odom, Zsolt Kira | Unsupervised Danger Avoidance Through Reward Shaping |
1726 | Shih-Yun Lo, Elaine Short, Andrea Thomaz | Robust Planning with Emergent Human-like Behavior for Agents Traveling in Groups |
1729 | Marina Moreira, Brian Coltin, Rodrigo Ventura | Cooperative Real-Time Inertial Parameter Estimation |
1733 | Yifang Chen, Alex Cuellar, Haipeng Luo, Jignesh Modi, Heramb Nemlekar, Stefanos Nikolaidis | Fair Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits: Theory and Experiments |
1767 | Andrea Baisero, Chris Amato | Learning Complementary Representations of the Past using Auxiliary Tasks in Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning |
1769 | Yu Wang, Hongxia Jin | An Interpretable Multimodal Visual Question Answering System using Attention-based Weighted Contextual Features |
1785 | Guohui Ding, Joewie Koh, Kelly Merckaert, Bram Vanderborght, Marco Nicotra, Christoffer Heckman, Alessandro Roncone, Lijun Chen | Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Multi-Robot Object Manipulation |
1788 | Bingyu Liu, Shangyu Xie, Yuan Hong | Privacy-Aware Double Auction for Divisible Resources without a Mediator |
1798 | Amirarsalan Rajabi, Chathika Gunaratne, Alexander Mantzaris, Ivan Garibay | Modeling disinformation and the effort to counter it: a cautionary tale of when the treatment can be worse than the disease |
1800 | Akshat Agarwal, Sumit Kumar, Katia Sycara | Learning Transferable Cooperative Behavior in Multi-Agent Teams |
1809 | Hau Chan, David C. Parkes, Karim Lakhani | The Price of Anarchy of Self-Selection in Tullock Contests |
1817 | Keting Lu, Shiqi Zhang, Xiaoping Chen | AutoEG: Automated Experience Grafting for Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning |
1830 | Gilad Asharov, Tucker Hybinette Balch, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Manuela Veloso | PPDPs: Privacy-Preserving Dark Pools |
1885 | Rupert Mitchell, Jenny Fletcher, Jacopo Panerati, Amanda Prorok | Multi-Vehicle Mixed-Reality Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Multi-Lane Driving |
1886 | Fatema Tuj Johora, Hao Cheng, Jörg P. Müller, Monika Sester | An Agent-Based Model for Trajectory Modelling in Shared Spaces: A Combination of Expert-Based and Deep Learning Approaches |
1888 | Qingbiao Li, Fernando Gama, Alejandro Ribeiro, Amanda Prorok | Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Multi-Robot Path Planning |
1897 | Vincent Koeman, Koen Hindriks | Tool Use of Average and Active Cognitive Agent Developers |
1899 | Francesca Mosca, Jose Such, Peter McBurney | ELVIRA: an Explainable Agent for Value and Utility-driven Multiuser Privacy |
1900 | Yukun Cheng, Xiaotie Deng, Yuhao Li | Limiting the deviation incentives in resource sharing networks |
Paper ID | Authors | Title |
1 | Hanna Klaudel * , Johan Arcile, Raymond Devillers | VerifCar: : a framework for modeling and model checking communicating autonomous vehicles (abstract) |
2 | Felipe Leno da Silva * , Garrett Warnell , Anna Helena Reali Costa , Peter Stone | Agents Teaching Agents: A Survey on Inter-agent Transfer Learning |
3 | Haris Aziz * | Strategyproof Multi-Item Exchange Under Single-Minded Dichotomous Preferences |
4 | Dave de Jonge * , Dongmo Zhang | Strategic Negotiations for Extensive-Form Games |
5 | Jieting Luo * , John-Jules Meyer , Max Knobbout | A Formal Framework for Reasoning about Opportunistic Propensity in Multi-agent Systems |
6 | Pablo Hernandez-Leal * , Bilal Kartal , Matthew E. Taylor | A Very Condensed Survey and Critique of Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning |
7 | John Doucette * , Alan Tsang , Hadi Hosseini , Kate Larson , Robin Cohen | Inferring True Voting Outcomes in Homophilic Social Networks |
8 | Noam Hazon * , Mira Gonen | Probabilistic Physical Search on General Graphs: Approximations and Heuristics |
9 | Cristina Cornelio * , Maria Silvia Pini , Francesca Rossi , K. Brent Venable | Sequential voting in multi-agent soft constraint aggregation |
10 | Roxana Radulescu * , Patrick Mannion , Diederik Roijers , Ann Nowe | Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Decision Making: A Utility-based Analysis and Survey |
11 | Chengwei Zhang * , Jianye Hao | SA-IGA: A Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Method Towards Socially Optimal Outcomes |
12 | Avi Rosenfeld * , Ariella Richardson | Why, Who, What, When and How about Explainability in Human-Agent Systems |
13 | Rica Gonen * , Ozi Egri | COMBIMA: Truthful, Budget Maintaining, Dynamic Combinatorial Market |
14 | Andreasa Morris-Martin * , Marina De Vos , Julian Padget | Norm Emergence in Multiagent Systems: A Viewpoint Paper |
15 | Olabambo Ifeoluwa Oluwasuji, Obaid Malik, Jie Zhang, Sarvapali Dyanand, Ramchurn | Solutions to the Fair Electric Load Shedding Problem in Developing Countries |