Senior Program Committee
List of senior program committee members

Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Carles | Sierra | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute | Spain |
Jaime | Sichman | Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil |
Michael | Luck | King’s College London | UK |
Nir | Oren | University of Aberdeen | UK |
Stephen | Cranefield | University of Otago | New Zealand |
Timothy | Norman | University of Southampton | UK |
Engineering Multi-agent Systems
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Alessandro | Ricci | Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna | Italy |
Amit | Chopra | Lancaster University | United Kingdom |
Cristina | Baroglio | University of Turin | Italy |
Jörg P. | Müller | Clausthal University of Technology | Germany |
Jürgen | Dix | Clausthal University of Technology | Germany |
Lavindra | de Silva | Cambridge University | United Kingdom |
Mehdi | Dastani | Utrecht University | Netherlands |
Michael | Winikoff | Victoria University Wellington | New Zealand |
Natasha | Alechina | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
Olivier | Boissier | École des Mines de Saint-Étienne | France |
Rafael | H. Bordini | PUCRS | Brazil |
Rem | Collier | University College Dublin | Ireland |
Rym | Zalila-Wenkstern | University of Texas at Dallas | United States |
Stefania | Costantini | University of L’Aquila | Italy |
Viviana | Mascardi | University of Genoa | Italy |
Yves | Lesperance | York University | Canada |
Humans and AI/Human-Agent Interaction
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Amos | Azaria | Ariel University | Israeli |
Catherine | Pelachaud | CNRS – ISIR, Sorbonne University | France |
Catholijn | Jonker | TU DELFT | Netherlands |
David | Sarne | BAR-ILAN University | Israel |
Dirk | Heylen | University of Twente | Netherlands |
Elizabeth | Sklar | University of Lincoln | United Kingdom |
Gopal (Sarvapali) | Ramchurn | University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
Hannes | Vilhjálmsson | Reykjavik University | Iceland |
Joost | Broekens | Leiden University | Netherlands |
Michael | Neff | University of California | United States |
R. Michael | Young | University of Utah | United States |
Stefan | Kopp | Bielefeld University | Germany |
Innovative Applications
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Andrey | Kolobov | University of Washington | United States |
Argyrios | Deligkas | University of Liverpool | United Kingdom |
Chloé | Clavel | Telecom-Paris | France |
Fei | Fang | Carnegie Mellon University | United States |
Jens | Edlund | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden |
Long | Tran-Thanh | University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
Matthew | Taylor | Washington State University | United States |
Nicholas | Mattei | Tulane University | United States |
Reshef | Meir | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology | Israel |
Viviane | Torres da Silva | IBM Research Brazil | Brazil |
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Planning
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Matthijs | Spaan | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Natasha | Alechina | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
Paul | Harrenstein | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
Pradeep | Varakantham | Singapore Management University | Singapore |
Prashant | Doshi | University of Georgia | United States |
Sasha | Rubin | The University of Sydney | Australia |
Scott | Sanner | University of Toronto | Canada |
Thomas | Agotnes | University of Bergen | Norway |
Yves | Lesperance | York University | Canada |
Learning and Adaptation
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Adrian | Agogino | The National Aeronautics and Space Administration | United States |
Ana | Bazzan | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Su | Brazil |
Ang | Li | Google DeepMind | United States |
Daniel | Hennes | European Space Agency | Netherlands |
Doina | Precup | McGill University / Mila / DeepMind | Canada |
Elise | Bonzon | Paris Descartes University | France |
Enda | Howley | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland |
Georgios | Chalkiadakis | Technical University of Crete | Greece |
Georgios | Piliouras | Singapore University of Technology and Design | Singapore |
Gerhard | Weiss | Maastricht University | Netherlands |
Logan | Yliniemi | Amazon Robotics | United States |
Marc | Lanctot | Google DeepMind | United States |
Michael | Kaisers | CWI | Netherlands |
Tristan | Cazenave | Université Paris Dauphine | France |
Shayegan | Omidshafiei | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States |
Yang | Yu | Nanjing University | China |
Markets, Auctions, and Non Cooperative Game Theory
TaikiTodoKyushu UniversityJapan
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Enrico | Gerding | University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
John | Dickerson | University of Maryland | United States |
Lirong | Xia | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) | United States |
Mingyu | Guo | University of Adelaide | Australia |
Nicola | Gatti | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
Pingzhong | Tang | Carnegie Mellon University | United States |
Vahab | Mirrokni | Google Research | United States |
Yuko | Sakurai | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | Japan |
Modelling and Simulation of Societies
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Frank | Dignum | Umeå University | Sweden |
Frédéric | Amblard | Université Toulouse 1 Capitole | France |
Jaime | Sichman | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
Laszlo | Gulyas | Lorand Eotvos University, AITIA International, Inc | Hungary |
Luis Gustavo | Nardin | National College of Ireland | Ireland |
Luis | Antunes | University of Lisbon | Portugal |
Mario | Paolucci | Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies | Italy |
Samarth | Swarup | University of Virginia | United States |
Takao | Terano | Chiba University of Commerce | Japan |
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Alessandro | Farinelli | University of Verona | Italy |
Amanda | Prorok | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
Balaraman | Ravindran | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | India |
Chris | Amato | Northeastern University | United States |
Francesco | Amigoni | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
Jivko | Sinapov | Tufts University | United States |
Mohan | Sridharan | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom |
Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Country |
Davide | Grossi | University of Groningen | Netherlands |
Haris | Aziz | UNSW Sydney | Australia |
Ioannis | Caragiannis | University of Patras | Greece |
Jörg | Rothe | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | Germany |
Kate | Larson | University of Waterloo | Canada |
Michele | Flammini | Gran Sasso Science Institute | Italy |
Nicolas | Maudet | Sorbonne Université | France |
Piotr | Skowron | University of Warsaw | Poland |
Sylvain | Bouveret | Grenoble Informatics Laboratory | France |
Tomasz | Michalak | University of Warsaw | Poland |
Ulle | Endriss | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Umberto | Grandi | Université Toulouse 1 Capitole | France |